The first pipes for the $983 million Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline Project has arrived in Rockhampton this week, signalling that preparations are well underway for the start of construction. The pipeline will have the capacity to transport 30 gigalitres per annum from the Fitzroy River to Gladstone.
The 117km pipeline will run from the Lower Fitzroy River in Rockhampton and connect to Gladstone Area Water Board’s existing water network at Yarwun, providing long – term water security to Gladstone’s industry and will support ongoing economic development in the region. To assist Gladstone Area Water Board with funding this important project, last week’s budget also included an equity allocation of $550 million made possible by the uplift in royalty revenue. The pipes are being manufactured by Steel Mains Pty Ltd. An Australian manufacturer and supplier of complete steel pipelines for the transportation of water and wastewater. Works are underway and the expected project completion is late 2026, weather and construction conditions permitting.
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