“It was Sunday morning of Hook up. We hit the water just before dawn/sunrise and set off through the harbour, my husband David at the helm and me happily taking happy snaps on my phone so I could send to my fishing buddies, letting them know what conditions were like.
As we headed out through North Entrance and taking to the left to avoid the shallower area’s to the right we made the hard right directing the boat toward Rock Cod as it was our first port of call for the morning, as we turned we were sitting on around 50km’s an hour (30 something Knots) and turned smack bang in the rising sun, it was around half way over the horizon and very intense, David sat back down in his seat and mentioned to me that the glare was too much slowing up the boat to around half noise and asked me if I could see if his Sunglasses were on the ground as they had fallen on the floor back at the boat ramp, I remember him turning his head to look to the right of him looking for them and then popping his head up to make sure we were still on course and the marine radio chirping away with boaties logging on to VMR when, and I say this bluntly chaos followed.
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