ACCIONA Energia is proud to be involved in the Gladstone Region communities.
Since commencing our Australian operations in 2002, ACCIONA Energía has contributed more than
$4.1 million to local communities through a combination of grants, scholarship funding, and other
community benefits programs.
For each project, we collaborate with local communities to create unique engagement and benefit
programs that share the value of the project throughout local areas, in a way that really matters.
With the development of the Aldoga Solar Farm, our focus has been on supporting Gladstone Region
area local initiatives that contribute to the health, education, sustainability, conservation, and
cultural development.
Recently our first Small Grants Program was launched, and we received many valuable applications.
ACCIONA Energia were extremely proud to offer support to twelve worthy causes including.
- Aussie Helpers
- Australian Animals Care & Education Inc
- Gladstone Men’s Shed Assoc Inc
- Mt. Larcom District Progress Assoc. Inc
- Gladstone Calliope Equestrian Group Inc
- Mt. Larcom Bowls Club Inc
- Bella the Brave Ltd
- Kookaburra Creek Kindergarten Association Inc
- Integreat Queensland Inc
- Gladstone Thistle Pipe Band Inc
- Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Ltd
- Gladstone Mindcare
Kookaburra Creek Kindergarten Association.
Kookaburra Creek Kindy is creating a new yarning circle for our kids and we were pleased to receive
funding from ACCIONA Energia to help with this project. We will be including wood carvings in the
shape of native Australian animals to be used as seating, including a Saltwater Crocodile, Wombat,
Platypus, Turtle and some plain timber stumps & small log seats also.
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