From October to March, Marine turtles’ come ashore to nest on sandy beaches throughout the region. The Gladstone Region is home to four of the world’s seven species of marine turtle: the Green Turtle, Flatback Turtle, Loggerhead Turtle and Leatherback Turtle. A female turtle can be aged 30-50 years before she begins to breed and may only breed once every two to eight years.
Nesting turtles may be encountered at night while they come ashore to lay their eggs. If you come across a turtle on the beach, be respectful and be patient, nesting turtles are timid and easily disturbed. Turn off any lights, do not use a camera flash, and give them plenty of space to complete the egg laying ritual. Once she has finished laying, stay out of her way as she returns to the ocean. The entire nesting process can take several hours.
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