Last weekend, over 193 kilograms of rubbish were meticulously cleared from Curtis Island’s otherwise pristine beaches during Tangaroa Blue Foundation’s annual Combined LNGs ReefClean Beach Clean Up Day. Foundation Project Coordinator Mike Caton applauded the concerted effort, noting the wide array of items collected, ranging from single-use bottle lids to a large 200-litre drum. Sixteen volunteers from Santos GLNG, Shell’s QGC business, and APLNG operated by ConocoPhillips dedicated their time to the cause, showcasing a consistent commitment to the Curtis Island beach clean-up events since 2019.
Caton emphasised the broader significance of the event beyond mere garbage collection. He highlighted the crucial role of sorting, counting, and data entry into the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) Database. “If all we ever do is clean up, that’s all we will ever do,” he stated, underlining the database’s pivotal function in identifying the sources of marine debris and formulating preventive strategies.
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