Picture this, your cycling along the picturesque banks of the Boyne River enjoying this amazing spring weather, when suddenly you hear a shrill squawking noise, followed by something continuously attacking your head. You pedal faster. Fortunately, you are wearing a helmet, but the attacker doesn’t let up. For the next 300m, you pedal along in fear, too scared to look up. You know there can only be one culprit! A nesting Magpie!
Gladstone Regional Council is urging pedestrians and cyclists to stay safe during magpie breeding season. Council has received fewer swooping magpie reports this year, but it is still important that our community take precautions. Keep your eyes peeled for signage around town that warns of swooping zones. These locations are also recorded on the council’s website at www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/swooping-magpie-hotspots
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